
How to Write a Great Performance Review

Cooperation Performance Review Example Phrases

It’s amazing to me when I see teams of high performing individuals completely fail because they lacked the ability to cooperate with one another. What seems second place to me (having grown up in a large family and worked on fast performing teams) is difficult for many people. Cooperation comes in many forms and some people who think they are keeping themselves employed by holding back information from their co-workers are in fact making themselves dispensable. Without cooperation, many units for fail at pretty much everything thrown at them, so finding employees who can cooperate with one another and get the job done is very important.

In this section of the free performance review tutorial, you will find example phrases you can use to evaluate your employees for cooperation.

Positive Phrases

Tim adapted to changing circumstances very well.

Frank can be counted on to carry out assignments with careful follow-through and follow-up.

Jill offers assistance willingly.

Greg makes a positive contribution to morale.

Peter accepts constructive criticism positively.

Yolanda shows sensitivity and consideration to other people’s feelings.

Fred creates a positive and inclusive work environment.

Bob creates an atmosphere of mutual teamwork and support.

Jane is great at offering assistance to coworkers in need.

Janet cooperates well with coworkers, staff, managers, and members of other teams.

Lenny ensures that projects are a team effort – he is always willing to lend a hand when needed.

George helps form alliance between his staff members to foster a team first environment.

Fred is an encourager and his fellow co-workers enjoy being around him.

Tyler is good at bringing together teams of people around a common goal.

Randy excels at any project he is involved with as he can form effective teams.

Frank promotes a team-centered environment.

Jenny is a proven team player.

William is an asset because he can effectively work with other teams and departments.

Whenever we have a difficult situation, we know we can bring Ryan into it as he can bring disparate groups of people together.

Terry has created a team which is a model for teamwork.

Bill excels at promoting cooperation throughout the organization.

Julia is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done – even perform tasks or jobs that are not her own.

Isabella coordinates individual workers together to meet deadlines and work effectively as a team.

Greg encourages people to work together towards a common goal.

Ben gives of himself to make sure the job is well done.

Negative Phrases

David has been known to enter into a shouting match with fellow employees.

Bill does not collaborate well with others.

Jeanne is often the last to offer assistance or help out in times of need. This feeling is common among Jeanne’s coworkers and management team.

Ever since Jim was promoted to supervisor, he has been “too busy” to assist his employees when they need an extra set of hands to help. This unwillingness to offer assistance promotes a selfish work environment.

Manny is very good at individual tasks, but he falls short in cooperating on group projects and in partnership with staff members.

John takes on new tasks with ease, but when it comes time to communicate with other team members and train them on these tasks, John does not perform very well.

Janet consistently fails to be an effective team member. She needs to improve over the next several months in her teamwork skills.

Jennifer is too cautious – she is afraid of confrontation so she does not step out to assist when it’s necessary.

Though at times Tim seems very helpful, it’s too much – he does not know when to say “no” to a request.

Lenny refuses to allow his staff to help other departments.

Walter does not provide assistance to others in their times of need.

Fred doesn’t view his workplace as a “team” environment and too frequently wants to “go it alone” on projects.

Jim does not encourage a team-centered work environment.

Ben fails to commit his team to cooperating with organizational goals.

Harry demonstrates a desire to avoid working with others.

Kyle refuses to share crucial information with co-workers for fear he will be marginalized.

Jenna portrays an aloofness which discourages coworkers from asking for help.

Tim needs to know when it’s time to get his hands dirty and help.

Ken creates a work environment which is difficult to foster cooperation in.

Bob is very territorial about his work and his team’s responsibilities.

Yolanda does not build relationships with other teams and seems inner-focused.

A productive staff meeting is few and far between for Peter’s team. The team does not feel Peter communicates well with them.

George gets upset when co-workers do not help him, yet he does not offer assistance to others.

Greg is far too focused on finding new ways to accomplish things rather than cooperate with others in a process which is already well tested and defined.

Instead of making do with what she has, Holly tends to complain about a lack of resources and personnel.

Next: Creativity and Innovation Performance Review Phrases >>