Importing and Exporting Data
One of the powerful features of Microsoft Excel is the ability to import and export data. You could have data in a different file format or an export from your corporate accounting system and want to analyze the data – Excel can import from dozens of formats.
In a later tutorial, we explore importing data in a business context. First, we’ll give you the generic steps required to import data.
There are two methods to import data: from an existing file or from a data source.
Importing Data from an Existing File
1. Click the Office button.
2. Click the Open button.
3. Navigate to the folder containing the file you want to open.
4. Select the file. If you don’t see the file you want to open, pull down the All Excel Files menu to the right and select the format the file is in. Once you see the file, select it.
5. Click Open.
You should now see the file: