7 Ways to Deal with Work Overload

With many companies deciding to downsize and reduce the size of their workforces, it is no wonder that many employees are feeling overloaded. Typically, these workers are being asked to complete the same amount of work, or possibly even more, with fewer employees and resources. These cut-backs have affected thousands of workers across the country, and have left many managers trying to find ways to get it all done when it seems impossible. The good news is that there are certain tips and techniques that employees can use to help them deal effectively with work overload. These tips can help you learn how to set limits, prioritize your workload, use all available resources, and talk to your boss to create attainable goals.

1. Set Specific Limits

The first step to dealing with work overload is to set specific limits on the amount of work you can handle. This may seem like common sense, but many workers find themselves accepting more and more work, while increasing their work day to accommodate it. The best way to determine what your specific limits are is to first understand your current workload. One of the ways to calculate this is to list all of your job responsibilities and how much time it takes to complete each task. This will give you a good look at where your time is going. Now you will be able to know what additional work you can accept, or provide concrete reasons as to why you cannot do any more work.

2. Develop Efficient Time Management Skills

Developing proper time management skills can help you become more effective and get more done through the day. You should keep an activity log for a few weeks to see where you are spending your time, what portion of the day you are more productive and when you are less effective. This will help you learn what areas you need to work on. An example of a great time management skill is to set a time aside every day where you limit distractions, by shutting the door to your office, blocking your schedule from appointments and turning off your phone. You will be amazed at how much work you can get done when you eliminate distractions. Another common time management technique is to only check your email four times throughout the day, rather than consistently through the entire day, which can be time consuming.

3. Create an Effective Action Plan

Many employees already realize the usefulness of using an action plan to complete a large project, but an action plan can also be effective for planning your work day. Each day should begin by designing an action plan for the work that you intend to complete. This does not have to be an elaborate plan, but at least lay out the major tasks that need to be completed and how you intend to complete them. This helps to give you a complete view of what your workload looks like, and allows you to determine if you will be able to complete everything in the plan. This can also help you prioritize your duties and help you determine what tasks you can delegate to other employees.

4. Delegate your Workload

Some of your work overload issues may be due to your inability to delegate to those working under you. With smaller workforces, companies must utilize and depend on every member of the team. Talk to your team and find out how much time each employee has available, and then delegate parts of the project. You can ask them to provide you with a daily update, which will allow you to know where each component of the project stands without having to do the work yourself. Once you realize which employees you can count on to deliver results, you will be able to delegate even more tasks, which in turn reduces your workload.

5. Learn to Say NO

Many people have a hard time learning to say no, which is why their work load gets bigger and bigger. While saying no may be difficult at first, it is imperative that you master this skill if you have any hopes of getting a handle on your workload. This can be even more difficult if it is your boss you have to say no to. Chances are that your boss is also overworked, and does not realize the undue burden that has been passed along to you. The most important thing is that you need to be honest, and let your boss know that you are a team player. Let him know exactly what you are currently working on and why you just do not have the time to fulfill his request. If at all possible, suggest an alternative plan or another employee who would be able to handle the task.

6. Let Technology Help

There is a long list of management software and devices that can help you organize your work and personal life. According to a recent survey done by the McKinsey Globe Institute, the average employee spends at least 2.6 hours reading and replying to email. This is virtually one-fourth of the workday, but there are several email management systems that help to prioritize and organize email. This can save you a lot of time throughout the day. Other technological management tools are conference calling and online scheduling that sets your schedule and sends reminders.

7. Meditation and Relaxation Techniques

No matter how much planning you put into reducing your workload, there are going to be days where the unexpected happens and your stress level steadily increases. On days like this, set some time aside to escape from your day and relax. Meditation is a great tool that can be done right in your office. Simply close your eyes and slow down your breathing while you try to clear you mind from the stressors of the day. Even if you only have five or ten minutes, this can help reduce your stress level, clear your mind, and help you be more productive.

Overall, learning to deal with work overload takes some planning and setting limits. Once you determine what your specific job responsibilities are, it will be easier to create a viable action plan to help you better organize your workload. This will also help you better determine what, if any, additional work you can handle, as well as find alternative solutions for getting it all done. Most importantly, remember to ask for help when necessary, delegate responsibilities whenever possible, and take some time out of your busy schedule to meditate and clear your mind throughout the day.
