
How to Bounce Back from a Bad Performance Review

Performance reviews can be one of the most stressful times in someone’s career. Much of the anxiety and nervousness that comes from a performance review can be chalked up to unclear definition of your job responsibilities and an unclear vision of how you are fulfilling those responsibilities. If you do find yourself the recipient of a bad performance review – do not panic. There are a number of ways to bounce back from a bad performance review and receiving a bad performance review is not the end of the world.

Analyze your bad review and get ready for a follow up interview

When you receive a bad performance review it is imperative to note what issues your employer is having with your performance. Honestly and objectively assess your performance and abilities and do not hold back. Usually after a poor performance review many companies will schedule a follow up meeting to check your progress on changing your performance. Make sure that you are ready for that review. If you go into that meeting with any sort of denial of the problems or blaming others you have wasted the time. Your best bet is to honestly address your problems while demonstrating your solutions to the issues your employer has. Doing this will help you to overcome your bad performance review.

Find ways to add value to your company

Even though a bad performance review may indicate a deficiency in some areas of your career there are many ways to improve. If you are having trouble in one area of your work try to improve that, but also go the extra mile when you work in the areas that are typically easier for you. Showing that you care about your job and your company can help to reduce the stigma behind a bad review and can help protect you from a second bad performance review. Remember that the company is investing money in you and they would probably like to see a return on that investment. Demonstrate value as much as possible and as often as possible.

Consult co-workers about other workplace issues you may have

Typically your performance reviews are assembled and presented to you by your superiors. While there may be a great deal of valuable information in that review there are other ways to gauge your contributions to your company. Speak with people you work closely with and find out if you are carrying your weight. If you are not, find ways to work more efficiently and if necessary work harder. Your co-workers are an incredibly valuable source of information and can help you bounce back from a bad performance review. Do not take everything they have to say as gospel, but if you happen to hear a certain criticism or compliment repeated by numerous individuals try to take it into account when preparing for your next performance review.
