
5 Things Employees Want from Their Managers

It may not be obvious at a glance, but managers have a duty to their employees. A manager’s task is to keep the people under them working toward a goal, so it is pivotal that they be aware of what their employees want. Below are five general things that most employees will want from their managers.

1. Keep Them Informed

While it might not be necessary to inform your employees of every single business decision the company makes, taking the time to let them know of the overall direction and any notable events that might affect them is important. A lack of communication from the management can lead to employees feeling like they are just cogs in the machine, which can then result in decreased interest in perform to their utmost capability. Making the effort to keep them informed will have the opposite effect.

2. Treat Them Fairly

Discrimination in the workplace is often discussed in the context of controversial topics such as race or gender, but the simple truth is that discrimination for almost any reason can result in decreased employee morale. The only thing that should factor in to treatment of employees is how they perform their job. A good example of the damage discrimination can potentially cause is the character Milton from the movie Office Space.

3. Listen to Their Concerns

Repressed emotions and ideas can become festering growths that later explode in a way that is far more damaging than is necessary. It is a simple fact that not everyone will be happy in a workplace environment. The important thing is to present opportunities to your employees to express any concerns they have in a format that ensures them they have been heard. Placing a suggestion box at the building entrance and calling it done will not suffice for this purpose unless you make efforts to demonstrate that you are aware of their concerns.

4. To Not Be Micromanaged

Micromanagement will likely cause your employees to hate you. It is extremely important to understand this. Unless you are actively training an employee, there is no reason to be telling an employee what to do at every step of the way. Even if your job title includes both management and on-site supervision, there is no excuse for micromanagement.

5. Give Them Tasks and Responsibilities

It might seem odd, but some managers forget that good employees will actually want to have a job to do. Not only is a lack of activity liable to make the day pass slowly, but without a purpose or feeling of accomplishment, a person can begin to feel disillusioned with their job. If for some reason there is truly nothing that can be assigned to a person, take the time to have team meetings or training.

Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list. Be sure to assess your own staff to determine any unique wants or concerns they have. Even if management is a tough position that often requires making harsh decisions, treating those under you like actual human beings will go a long way towards improving their work output.