Welcome to the Free Windows XP Professional 70-270 Certification Course
The Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 MCSA and MCSE certifications are among the premier certifications you can achieve as a Microsoft-focused system administrator or system engineer. Microsoft continues to improve its certification programs and many employers require an MCSA or MCSE before you can even get your foot in the door for an interview.
One of the core requirements for the MCSA and MCSE is the exam Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional – exam 70-270. This free tutorial is designed to teach you the core knowledge you need to pass this exam and get started on your MCSA or MCSE track. Passing this exam also qualifies you as a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) – the first step towards future certifications.
This free course isn’t designed to teach you Windows XP Professional from a user’s perspective, but instead from the certification exam perspective and as a systems administrator. Many individuals think that having used Windows XP Pro is enough to pass this certification exam, but to become MCP certified, you need to have in-depth knowledge about some topics you may not have experienced in your IT department.
For example, how many times have you deployed a Windows XP Image using Remote Installation Services (Section 1)? Or how many times have you connected to an Internet Printer (Section 2)? You may have in-depth experience and knowledge in most areas of the 70-270 exam, but this free Windows XP Professional tutorial will teach you topics you may not have experienced before, complete with screenshots and instructions so you are aware of the steps you will have to follow if given an experiential question on the exam.
The exam emphasizes the following areas:
·Installing Windows XP Professional
·Implementing and administering resources
·Implementing, managing, and troubleshooting hardware devices and drivers
·Monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability
·Configuring and troubleshooting the Desktop environment
·Implementing, managing, and troubleshooting network protocols and services
·Implementing, monitoring, and troubleshooting security
This free tutorial is based on the same outline Microsoft uses so you can learn all of the topics, or just brush up on the topics you need a refresher in to help you pass this certification exam on the way to your MCSE certification.