Selected Bibliography for Marketing Research
The reference publications listed may be found in part in local libraries and the MDECD library. All publications listed along with many other pertinent reference materials for small businesses are located at the Universities Center Information Services Library on Ridgewood Road in Jackson, Mississippi.
Annual Statement Studies. Philadelphia: Robert Morris Associates.
- Current and historical financial ratios for manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, service ventures, contractors. Published annually. Known as the RMA.
County Business Patterns. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Set of statistical publications covering employment, payroll, and number of establishments by county and business type on national, state, and county levels. Published annually.
County and City Data Book. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- A compilation of statistics on states, counties, and cities of 25,000 and more, and places of 2,500 and more. Subjects include population, education, housing, labor force, business types, etc. Published irregularly.
Directory of Department Stores. New York: Business Guides. Inc.
- Nationwide listing of department stores, corporate addresses, executives, and buyers. Published annually.
Directory of Leading Chain Stores in the United States. New York: Business Guides, Inc.
- Listing of U.S. chain stores in retailing and food service industries. Published annually.
Directory of Manufacturers’ Agents National Association. Irvine, CA: Manufacturers’ Agents National Association (MANA).
- Comprehensive directory of the members of MANA fisted alphabetically, by state location, and by product fine.
Economic Censuses. U.S. Bureau of Census. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. Geographic Area Series.
- Number of establishments, sales, payrolls, and selected ratios by type of business. Separate publications every five years in the categories of retail trade, service industries wholesale trade, transportation, manufacturers, mineral industries, and construction industries.
Encyclopedia of Associations. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Company.
- Comprehensive list of all types of professional and trade associations. includes purpose, number of members, staff, headquarters’ address, and services offered. Published annually.
Mississippi Business Directory. Omaha, Nebraska: American Directory Publi
shing Company.
- Statewide business listing by yellow page category and city; manufacturers by city and product. Published annually.
Mississippi City Traffic Maps, Average Daily Traffic. Jackson, MS: Mississippi State Highway Department.
- City maps depicting average daily traffic passing at specific points on city streets. Revised irregularly
Mississippi County Traffic Maps, Average Daily Traffic. Jackson, MS: Mississippi State Highway Department.
- County maps depicting average daily traffic passing at specific points on county roads. Published annually.
Mississippi Manufacturers Directory. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development.
- Identifies manufacturers within the state by city, by SIC code, and in alphabetical order. Indicates number of employees. Published annually. Also available for other states.
National Planning Data Corporation. Ithaca, New York: A VNU Marketing Information Company.
- Demographic data and projections for Mississippi, its counties, districts and census tracts within counties, and the MSA.
Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
- Outlook on various industries and professions as they relate to the job market.
Phelon’s Discount Department Stores. Fairview, New Jersey: Phelon Sheldon and Marsar, Inc.
- Listing by state, self-service department stores, discount stores, catalog showrooms, drug chains, home improvement, and auto supply stores, toys, sporting goods, and many other retailers of promotional merchandise.
Progressive Grocer’s Guide. Stamford, Connecticut: Progressive Grocer’s Trade Dimensions. Published annually.
- Comprehensive data concerning the supermarket industry.
Small Business Sourcebook. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Company.
- Prime reference tool with information sources for 100 (mostly trade and service) small businesses. Also contains general resources. Updated regularly.
Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies. Wilmette, Illinois: National Register Publishing Company.
- Nationwide listing for major advertising firms, number of employees, years in business, names of large accounts, names of account objectives.
Survey of Buying Power. New York: Sales and Marketing Management.
- Current estimates of effective buying income, population by age, and retail sales by broad groupings. Arranged geographically by states and counties. Published annually.
The Sourcebook of Demographics and Buying Power for Every County in the USA. Fairfax, VA: CACI, Inc.
- Provides basic demographic, socioeconomic characteristics, and purchasing potential of market areas. Published annually.
The Sourcebook of Demograpbics and Buying Power for Every Zip Code in the USA. Fairfax, VA: CACI, Inc.
- Contains the same kinds of information for zip codes as described for the publication above.
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers and Thomas Catalog File. New York: Thomas Publishing Company.
- Multi-volume directory of manufacturers and suppliers arranged alphabetically by products, address, and location of sales offices. Published annually.
Thomas Grocery Register. New York: Thomas Publishing Company.
- The official buyer’s and seller’s guide of the food industry. Published annually.
Trade Shows Worldwide. (formerly Trade Shows and Professional Exhibits Directory) Martin Connors and Charity Anne Dorgan, Editors. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Company.
- An international directory to events, facilities, and suppliers.
U.S. Industrial Outlook. U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- An overview of numerous U.S. industries including recent trends and future outlooks. Statistics on changes in supply and demand for industries. Published annually.