
6 Ways to Write Shareable Blog Posts

Do you want to write interesting and meaningful blog posts that get shared a lot on social network sites? When people share your blog post on their social network accounts, your link will appear in the news feed on their friends’ pages, giving you more exposure and potential higher traffic. If you are looking for a way to increase your social network exposure, this article will show you how to write more shareable blog posts and get your posts shared like crazy by your readers.

1. Write Quality Content

If your blog post stinks, no one would want to read or share it. Try to invest some time in writing high quality blog posts that offer the readers more than just conventional knowledge. Don’t just copy and paste posts from other blogs. These days, the Internet-savvy people are the people who have the highest tendency to share your posts, so they will know where to find original blog posts to share. Instead of rephrasing others or copying posts from other places, you should use your own creativity and knowledge to compose the post. It helps if you add some humor to the overtone of the writing as well.

2. Remember to Proofread Your Work

No matter how much effort you have put into your writing, it will be in vain if you don’t proofread your final article and correct any spelling or grammatical errors that you have missed during writing it. Just one misspelled word can drive the readers away. If you want to show your creditability and authoritativeness in the subject, make your writing look perfect to the readers. Set aside at least five minutes for proofreading and never publish a post without first reading through it.

3. Use Formatting

Writing for the web is totally different from writing for a traditional magazine. In the case of an offline magazine, you don’t need to apply much formatting, just write and write. Your readers will spend hours reading your piece of art if the writing is really good. Writing for the web is totally different. You have only a few seconds to grab your readers’ attention. Statistics have shown that a user only scans through your article for a few seconds to find what he is looking for. If he can find something interesting, he may stay longer. If he cannot, he will press the back button. Your job is to create an article that is easy to understand and easy to scan through. You can do this by breaking the post into multiple small paragraphs; use headings and multiple subheadings to divide your writing into digestible paragraphs for the average reader.

4. The Use of Images

Today, most people love sharing beautiful or odd photos online. You can see this trend by visiting any social network, especially Pinterest, Facebook, or Digg. Try to use as many images as possible to illustrate your post. However, make sure the images are unique and interesting enough to compel the readers to press the share button. If you want to avoid possible hassles from copyright claims, make sure to give proper credits to all images that are not yours.

5. Write Clickworthy Headlines

Before your users can read your post, they need to click on the headline first. This is especially true when you publish your post on multiple social channels. One of the most effective tricks to create sharable posts is the use of clickworthy headlines. When you actively promote your post on social sites, you have to put the headline first to attract readers. A dull and conventional headline will do you no good. If you are lucky, your headline will get clicked a few times by some bored Internet surfers who don’t know what to do in their free time. If you want to avoid that scenario, try to invest a lot of time in choosing the right topic and headline. Some tips to help you create compelling titles:

-Use a list type headline, such as “Top 7 ways to….” or “Five best ways to…” This type of headline always gets a higher clickthrough rate than other headlines.

-Use warning titles that insinuate that if the readers don’t click on your post, they will miss out an important piece of information that may change their lives. Some examples include “Fatal Makeup Mistakes That You Should Never Make”, “Warning: Commit These Sex Mistakes If You Want to Ruin Your Marriage!”

-Use insider’s tip titles, such as “The Secrets to Writing Compelling Salesletters,” “The Ultimate Guide to Writing Amazing Blog Posts That People Want to Share.”

6. Make Your Blog Posts Easy to Share

The easiest way to create shareable blog posts is to include social sharing buttons on all of your blog posts so that your readers can share them with a click of a mouse. You yourself should actively promote the blog posts on multiple social network profiles such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest. If you have an amazing collection of images in your blog post, you should heavily promote them on Pinterest since this website is a great venue for photo lovers and you could receive a nice amount of traffic from your photos there.