
Career Guides

Career Guide for Top Executives

Top executives are some of the highest paid workers, but they work long hours and are often responsible for every aspect of a firm. In this free career guide, we teach you how to seek out one of these top executive positions.

Career Guides

Career Guide for Financial Managers

A financial manager oversees the preparation of financial reports, investment activities, and execute cash management strategies. Financial managers are often key members of the management team helping set goals and manage the direction of the company. In this career guide, we will explore how to have a successful career in financial management.

Career Guides

Career Guide to Becoming an Engineering Manager

Engineering managers plan and work on a variety of activities. They design manufacturing processes, create new products, improve existing ones, and perform scientific research. This career guide explores how to become a successful engineering manager.

Career Guides

Career Guide for a Construction Manager

Construction managers plan and direct the building of all sorts of structures including residential, commercial, infrastructure, and other construction projects. This career guide shows you the career of a construction manager and what it takes to become a successful construction manager.

Career Guides

Career Guide for Management Analysts

Management analysts provide recommendations and consulting for a series of business needs and problems. Management analysts are typically experts on a specific niche, providing knowledge they’ve gained from advanced education or from years of experience in a role or in a specific industry. Learn more about a career as a management analyst.


Successful Employee Goal Planning Sessions

Employee goal planning is one of the most important parts of your job as a successful manager. Goal planning is an intensive process – one which requires thought, focus, and energy. In this free tutorial, we’re going to explore employee goal setting sessions and how to properly handle them.
