Microsoft Office / Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word 2007 (Part 2): Working with Text

Selecting and Replacing Text

It’s often easiest to simply select the text you want to replace and then type over it. You don’t need to switch to Overtype mode to do this, and remaining in Insert mode ensures that you don’t inadvertently replace text you meant to keep.

You can select text using your mouse or keyboard:

  • To select text using your mouse, click and drag the mouse over the entire portion of the text you want to select.


To select an entire word, simply double-click the word. Click the word three times to select the entire paragraph. To select one line, position the mouse pointer to the left of the line, outside the margin, and click once. The pointer is in the right position when the I-Beam icon changes to an arrow.

You can continue to select text, line by line, by holding down the mouse button and dragging to the end of the text you want to select.

  • To select text using your keyboard, position your insertion point at the beginning of the text, press and hold the Shift key, and then use the arrow keys to move to the end of the text.

Selected text appears highlighted in black.


To delete selected text, use either the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard, or type over the text.