Microsoft Office

Microsoft Publisher 2003 Tutorial

Modifying a Publication

Moving between pages

You move between the pages of your publication using the page sorter at the bottom of the Publisher window:

The current page is the one that’s highlighted in the sorter. To move to a different page, click the page number you want to move to.

If you’re using two-sided printing, the first page will be displayed by itself, while the subsequent pages will be displayed two at a time, up until the last page, which is also displayed by itself. You can visualize two-sided printing as you would a printed book. The front cover of the book is the first page of the publication, and the back cover is the last page. All the pages in the middle of the book are facing pages, which you can open and lay flat; these are displayed together in the workspace window.

If you want to give yourself more room to work on an individual page, you can turn off the display of two-sided printing by opening the View menu and unchecking Two-Page Spread.

Inserting pages

You can insert blank or duplicate pages into your publication, or you can insert Publisher’s pre-designed pages, which duplicate the current design with the addition of elements such as calendars, order forms, or sign-up forms. The pre-designed page options make it easy to increase the page count of your publication while keeping the design and placeholders constant.

To insert new pages into your publication:

  1. Use the page sorter at the bottom of the window to turn to a page adjacent to where you want to insert the new pages. For example, click on Page 4 to insert new pages before the last page in the example newsletter.


When you insert pre-designed pages with two-page spreads (two-sided facing pages), Publisher will automatically insert two new pages before the last page, if the last page is selected, or after the first page, if the first page is selected. In other words, Publisher will automatically determine the best placement of the facing pages.

  1. From the Insert menu, select Page.


You can also right-click on the page number in the page sorter and select Insert Page from the shortcut menu:

The Insert Pages dialog opens, which lets you select pre-designed pages to insert.

This dialog may vary depending on the type of publication you’re working with. Since we’re working on a newsletter, we’re given newsletter page designs.

  1. Because we’re working with a two-page spread, Publisher will insert two new facing pages by default. The drop-down menus let you select the type of content you want to add to the left-hand and right-hand pages.

For example, Story duplicates the placeholder content that currently appears on the newsletter’s inside pages. You can also select other pre-defined content, such as a calendar or order form. When you select one of these options, Publisher will add the selection, such as a calendar, to the specified page, and then fill the remainder of the space on that page with placeholder text.

  1. The Insert Pages dialog is a quick and easy way to add matching pages to your publication. However, you can instead add blank pages, and specify the number and location of the pages, by clicking More.

This opens the Insert Page dialog.

  1. Here, enter the number of pages you want to add, and specify whether to insert the pages before or after the current page.


When working with two-page spreads, it’s best to add pages in multiples of 4. This is like adding another long sheet of paper, which has two facing pages on the inside and two pages on the outside (back).

You can also select whether to insert blank pages, pages with a text box, or pages that are duplicates of a particular page.

  1. Once you’ve selected your options, click OK to close the Insert Page dialog. For the example newsletter, we’re going to use the pre-designed page options in the main dialog, so click Cancel to close the Insert Page dialog without specifying options.
  2. In the Insert Newsletter Pages dialog, select Calendar under Right-hand page and click OK.

Publisher adds two new facing pages with a calendar for the current month on the right-hand page:

Deleting pages

When you delete pages from a publication, all the content on the pages is deleted, with the exception of text or objects linked to connecting boxes on other pages. Linked objects will be moved to the following pages.

To delete pages from your publication:

  1. Use the page sorter at the bottom of the window to select the page you want to delete.

For the example newsletter, select page 2.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Delete Page, or right-click the page sorter on the page you want to delete and select Delete Page from the shortcut menu.

If you’re working with a two-page spread, the Delete Page dialog opens:

  1. Select whether to delete both pages, or just the left or right page.

For our newsletter, select Both pages.

  1. Click OK.

Move a page

To move a page in a publication to a new location:

  1. Using the page sorter, right-click the page you want to move and select Move Page from the shortcut menu.


If you’re working with a two-page spread, you should move both pages of a spread; otherwise, the content may be inappropriately split.

The Move Page dialog opens.

  1. Under This page, select the page adjacent to the location where you want to move the selected page. For example, if you want to move the selected page to
    just before page 2, select Page 2.
  2. Select Before or After to move the page to the place just before or just after the location you selected.
  3. Click OK.

For the example newsletter, click Cancel, since we don’t want to move any of the current pages.


You can also move a page by clicking and dragging the page icon to another location in the page sorter: