General Business

How Do I Find a Good Web Designer?

There are MANY web designers available today, from the high tech firm to the college kid in his dorm room. Who you go with may depend on your budget. But just because you go with the college kid, doesn’t mean you’ll get an inferior site.

A lot of web designers get their jobs through references. Anytime you see a site that you really like, take a look at the bottom of the pages. If a third party designed it, its name will be there. Otherwise, you can do a web search on web designers, or look in your local yellow pages.

When you get a list of web designers, here are a few things to find out:

  • References, with site examples
  • Do they also host the site, or is it development only
  • Pricing- be sure to get pricing for an e-commerce site if that is what you are planning to have
  • The details- what is their process, and the price, for updates and changes? Do they do them, or do they strictly develop and you maintain the site on your own?