
Active Server Pages Tutorial

Accessing the File System

The FileSystemObject Object

The FileSystemObject object lets you create and work with files and directories on the server. For example, you can create a file, write data to it and then delete it when the file is no longer necessary. You can also determine whether or not certain files exist, as well as their locations, extensions and other information.

FileSystemObject Object: Methods
BuildPath Adds a folder or file name to a path.
CopyFile Copies a file from one location to another.
CopyFolder Copies a folder and all its files from one location to another.
CreateFolder Creates a new folder.
CreateTextFile Creates a new text file using the TextStream object.
DeleteFile Deletes a file.
DeleteFolder Deletes a folder and all its files.
DriveExists Determines whether or not a drive exists on the server.
FileExists Determines whether or not a file exists on the server.
FolderExists Determines whether or not a folder exists on the server.
GetAbsolutePathName Returns the full path (from the root) for the specified folder or file.
GetBaseName Returns the base name (without the extension) of the specified file or folder.
GetDrive Creates an instance of the Drive object.
GetDriveName Returns the drive containing the specified file.
GetExtensionName Returns the extension of the specified file.
GetFile Creates an instance of the File object.
GetFileName Returns the file or folder name specified in a path.
GetFolder Creates an instance of the Folder object.
GetParentFolderName Returns the name of the parent folder for the specified file.
GetSpecialFolder Returns the path of a special Windows folder. 0 returns the path for the folder containing the operating system; 1 returns the path for the folder containing libraries and drivers; 2 returns the path for the Temp folder.
GetTempName Generates a temporary file or folder with a random name.
MoveFile Moves a file from one location to another on the server.
MoveFolder Moves a folder and all its files from one location to another on the server.
OpenTextFile Opens a file using the TextStream object.
FileSystemObject Object: Properties
Drives Returns a collection of Drive objects.

The following code determines whether or not a certain file (temp.txt) exists on the server and, if it does, deletes it:

<% Dim varFileSystem Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) If varFileSystem.FileExists(“c:\inetpub\wwwroot\temp.txt”)=true then varFileSystem.DeleteFile(“c:\inetpub\wwwroot\temp.txt”) End If %>

Once you’ve created a FileSystemObject object, you can use its methods to create instances of the TextStream object, the File object, the Folder object and the Drive object. All of these have methods and properties of their own that let you create and manipulate specific files, folders and drives on the server.

The TextStream Object

The TextStream object lets you create and work with a text file.

TextStream Object: Methods
Close Closes the text file.
Read Returns a specified number of characters from a text file.
ReadAll Returns an entire text file.
ReadLine Returns a line from a text file.
Skip Skips a specified number of characters when reading a text file.
SkipLine Skips a line when reading a text file.
Write Writes text to a text file.
WriteLine Writes a line of text to a text file.
WriteBlankLine Writes the specified number of blank lines to a text file.
TextStream Object: Properties
AtEndOfLine Is “true” if the location is just before the end of a line in a text file.
AtEndOfStream Is “true” if the location is at the end of a text file.
Column Returns the column number of the current character.
Line Returns the line number of the current position.

The following code creates a text file, writes a line that contains title text, creates two blank lines, writes heading text using tabs (the ASCII code chr(9)) between the headings, and then creates another blank line before closing the file:

<% Dim varFileSystem, varTextStream Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set varTextStream=varFileSystem.CreateTextFile(“c:\plist.txt”) varTextStream.WriteLine “Company Call List” varTextStream.WriteBlankLines(2) varTextStream.Write “Name” & chr(9) varTextStream.Write “Employee ID” & chr(9) varTextStream.Write “Phone Number” varTextStream.WriteBlankLines(1) varTextStream.Close %>

You must close the file in order to allow users to access it. Once you’ve created a text file, you can use the TextStream object to open the file and display its contents in an ASP page:

<% Dim varFileSystem, varTextStream Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set varTextStream=varFileSystem.OpenTextFile(“c:\plist.txt”) Response.Write(varTextStream.ReadAll) %>

The File Object

You use the File object to return information about files on the server, and to copy, move and delete files as necessary.

File Object: Methods
Copy Copies a file from one location to another.
Delete Deletes a file.
Move Moves a file from one location to another.
OpenAsTextStream Opens the file using an instance of the TextStream object.
File Object: Properties
Attributes Specifies or returns attributes of the specified file.
DateCreated Returns the date and time a file was created.
DateLastAccessed Returns the date and time a file was last accessed.
DateLastModified Returns the date and time a file was last modified.
Drive Returns the letter of the drive where a specified file resides.
Name Specifies or returns the name of a file.
ParentFolder Returns the parent object for a file using an instance of the Folder object.
Path Returns the path for a file.
ShortName Returns the short name of a file.
ShortPath Returns the short path of a file.
Size Returns the size of a file.
Type Returns the type of a file.

The following code copies a file to an archives folder and then deletes the original file:

<% Dim varFileSystem,varFile Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set varFile=varFileSystem.GetFile(“c:\plist.txt”) varFile.Copy(“c:\archives\plist.text”) varFile.Delete Set varFile=nothing Set varFileSystem=nothing %>

The Folder Object

You use the Folder object to return information about folders on the server, and to copy, move and delete folders as necessary.

Folder Object: Methods
Copy Copies a folder from one location to another.
Delete Deletes a folder.
Move Moves a folder from one location to another.
CreateTextFile Creates a text file in the specified folder using an instance of the TextStream object.
Folder Object: Properties
Attributes Specifies or returns attributes of the specified folder.
DateCreated Returns the date and time a folder was created.
DateLastAccessed Returns the date and time a folder was last accessed.
DateLastModified Returns the date and time a folder was last modified.
Drive Returns the letter of the drive where a specified folder resides.
IsRootFolder Is “true” if the folder is a root folder.
Name Specifies or returns the name of a folder.
ParentFolder Returns the parent folder.
Path Returns the path for a folder.
ShortName Returns the short name of a folder.
ShortPath Returns the short path of a folder.
Size Returns the size of a folder.
Type Returns the type of a folder.

The following code displays the date the archives folder was last accessed:

<% Dim varFileSystem,varFolder Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set varFolder=varFileSystem.GetFolder(“c:\archives”) Response.Write(varFolder.DateLastAccessed) Set varFolder=nothing Set varFileSystem=nothing %>

The Drive Object

You use the Drive object to return information about a local or network drive.

Drive Object: Properties
AvailableSpace Returns the amount of available space on the specified drive.
DriveLetter Returns the drive letter of the specified drive.
DriveType Returns the type of the specified drive.
FileSystem Returns the file system in use on the drive.
FreeSpace Returns the amount of free space on the specified drive.
IsReady Is “true” if the specified drive is ready.
Path Returns the path for the specified drive.
RootFolder Returns the root folder of the specified drive using an instance of the Folder object.
SerialNumber Returns the serial number of the specified drive.
ShareName Returns the network share name of the specified drive.
TotalSize Returns the total size of the specified drive.
VolumeName Specifies or returns the volume name of the drive.

The following code displays a drive’s available space:

<% Dim varFileSystem,varDrive Set varFileSystem=Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set varDrive=varFileSystem.GetDrive(“c:”) Response.Write(“Available space on Drive ” & varDrive & “:”) Response.Write(varDrive.AvailableSpace) set varDrive=nothing set varFileSystem=nothing %>